onsdag 11. desember 2019

Norwegian Open

During the weekend 23-24. December, the Malifaux Norwegian Open tournament took place. We were 14 attendees, about half of which came from out of town, including two from Russia. I was one of the two to bring Guild. I didn't take too many pictures this time, so I will just write down some short summaries.

Game 1 against Neverborn. Corrupted Idols. I had Detonate Charges and Dig Their Graves.

She chose Pandora and I chose Lucius. I was tempted to bring a pure gunline with Pale Rider and Lone Marshal to just shoot off everything, but in the end decided to bring Matt Lewin's stagger spam list, as I felt I was up no matter what, and that list could possibly scheme better. Also, we could try and play the game instead of an abundance of stat 6/7 ruthless shots into poor Pandora and Candy.

I brought:
Agent 46, LLC
Dr. Grimwell
Alan Reid
False Witness
Cache - 4

She had:
Teddy, Inhuman Reflexes
Serena Bowman
Baby Kade
Sorrow, Ancient Pact
Sorrow, Ancient Pact

She made a mistake early by committing the Poltergeist too far up the table, which lead to Agent 46 killing it, as well as a Sorrow. After that, it was pretty easy for the Agent and Grimwell to get a few more kills, to push the Idols were I needed them, and for the False Witness to score Detonate Charges on Teddy with ease. He also used his -wp aura to allow the Lawyer to easily obey Teddy and do 6dmg to Candy, who soon after died to some kind of hidden sniper. In the end, there were only Pandora and Teddy left on her side of the table, while I hadn't suffered any casualties. At the tail end of the game I even the playing field just a little by killing my own Scribe for the second point of Dig Their Graves.

7-0 victory for the Guild

Game 2 against Bayou. Plant Explosives. I had Claim Jump and Harness the Ley Line

My experience against Bayou was limited to playing against Ulix once and a few times against Zoraida. I had never faced Ophelia before and it showed...I picked Nellie, as I thought she had a shot in Plant Explosives

My list:
Printing Press
Agent 46, LLC
Pale Rider, LLC
Steward (Claim Jump)
False Witness
Cache - 7

Things didn't go well. I didn't know where it was best to place my guys and my hope of being able to dominate a shooting duel died when the Pathfinder was buried by a Glimpse the Void-trigger. I tried to claw myself back in the game, and thought I had scored Harness and Claim Jump when his Emissary suddenly ran over all my scheme markers and was standing in the middle of the board.

In the end, I lost 3-8. My greatest defeat in Malifaux ever. I learned a lot from the game though, and I will hopefully be ready for Ophelia shenanigans next time.

Game 3 was against Neverborn. Flank Reckoning. I had Hold Up Their Forces and Dig Their Graves.

I really wanted to drop Sonnia here, but due to a giant train in the middle of the board, I was too afraid of Nephilim closing the gap too quickly, so I decided to run with Lucius again. After deployment, I realised that if he kept his distance and went for Outflank, I would have to gun down whoever went there without hope of scoring schemes myself. I realised that he was massively up, but I hoped that he wouldn't see it and just rush me. After a lot of clever maneuvering during the game, we both scored two points for reckoning, he scored two for outflank, I managed to get one for Hold Up Their Forces, and on the last activation of the game, score the second point for Dig Their Graves. Incredibly close!

Victory to Guild, 5-4.

Game 4 against Ressers was Wedge Turf War where I took Leyline and Assassinate

He chose Kirai, I chose Lady J. There isn't a lot to say about this game. I think he expected me to kill Ikyrio so he could re-summon. Instead, I just left her, healed up a bit with Stewie and a Domador. Killed pretty much everything. We called it turn 2, where I had 2-1 due to time. I could probably have scored all 8 in a full game.

My list:
Lady J, LLC
Scales of Justice
Pale Rider, LLC
Lone Marshal
Cache - 7

Victory to Guild, 2-1.

Game 5 was against Bayou. Flank Plant Explosives. I knew he was going to pick Zoraida, so I chose Lucius. I had Claim Jump and Search the Ruins.

My list:
Scribey boi
Agent 46, LLC
Pale Rider, LLC
Lawyer (Claim Jump)
Cache - 4

His list: (from memory)
First Mate
Will O the Wisp

After I made a horrible mistake and gave away my PR early, I redeem myself by managing to shoot down one of his Silurids with Hidden Sniper from a Changeling, stopping him from scoring Outflank early. After a tense game, and one of the best games of Malifaux I have ever played, I managed to squeeze out a narrow win.

6-5 victory to the Guild!

In the end, I finished 2nd, only placing after the Bayou player in game 2. The whole tournament was a lovely experience against 5 great opponents. 

Norwegian Open

During the weekend 23-24. December, the Malifaux Norwegian Open tournament took place. We were 14 attendees, about half of which came from o...