onsdag 7. august 2019

Lady Justice vs Kirai

Lady Justice vs Kirai

After half a year of radio silence, I am trying to get my blog game going again. This time we had a practice game for a local tournament coming up this weekend. We played the first of the scenarios from the GenCon scenario pack.

My list:
Lady Justice, LLC - 2
Scales of Justice
The Judge - 10
The Lone Marshal - 9
Domador - 7
Guild Steward - 6
Exorcist - 6
Exorcist - 6
Cache - 4

My opponent's list:
Kirai, The Whisper - 2
Forgotten Marshal, The Whisper - 10
Datsue Ba - 9
Goryo - 8
Lost Love - 5
Onryo - 5
Seishin - 2
Seishin - 2
Cache - 7

Strategy: Turf War, Deployment: Corner
Schemes: Harness the Leyline (Guild, Ressers), Claim Jump (Guild: Judge, Ressers), Detonate Charges, Outflank, Vendetta

Deployment is good for me. He really only has one proper beater (Goryo) and I am betting that I can isolate him and kill him quickly. I am opting for going hard on my left side on the table with one of the Exorcists and The Lone Marshal if he tries to score Outflank, while moving the Judge up to score Claim Jump early.

I use the Exorcist as bait to lure the Goryo in and it works. Lady J easily dispatches him with a little help from The Judge, while The Lone Marshal dispatches a newly summoned Goryo with his free action. The board state is really good for me after turn 1.

Round 2 ends up being the last turn of the game. Kirai summons an Onryo, which is quickly killed by the Lone Marhshal, while Lady J does work in the middle of the board. At this point, Kirai and Datsue Ba is in a compromised position before turn 3 and my opponent concedes. I have only lost a single Exorcist at this point and I score an early 2-1, which would probably be a 4-1 turn 3 and a 7-1 or 7-2 at the end of the game.

I have to say that the cards favoured me a bit in this match. I started with an 11 and a 12 of crows which I held on to to kill summons, more or less neutralizing Kirai's impact on the game. I had a theory that he would be spending his good cards on summoning and not having much left for defense, and it turned out to be right. The scheme pool also highly favoured me.

I really missed a taxi this game. It was my first Marshal game without the Pale Rider, and it showed. The Judge is really slow and he ended up being more or less a card draw machine here. I am fairly happy with the list however, and The Lone Marshal was certainly the MVP this time.

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