søndag 1. september 2019

Malifaux Beach Party!

Played a tournament a few weeks back. We used the Gencon schemes and strats. I brought a few masters, but in the end, decided to drop Lady J into all three games.

Game 1: Lady Justice vs Toni Ironsides

My list:
Lady Justice, LLC - 2
Scales of Justice
Pale Rider, LLC - 13
Judge - 10
Lone Marshal - 9
Guild Steward - 6
Brutal Effigy, Effigy of Fate - 6
Cache - 4

Smash's list:
Howard Langston
Gunsmith, Magical Training

Turf War on Corner Deployment
Schemes: Detonate Charges, Harness the Ley Line (both), Outflank, Claim Jump (both, I had on Steward), & Vendetta

First turns are mostly positioning with a few pot shots from each side. I am waiting him out, as I am sure I have a significant advantage from turn 3 and onwards, due to the Effigy and the Pale Rider.

On the second turn, Judge is lured into Toni and is left on 4hp and with one focus. I decide to immediately activate him to get some cards and smack Ironsides with a focused attack. Unfortunately for me, Judge pulls three tomes and dies. Lone Marshal kills a Gunsmith. Justice misses Langston three times with her attacks.

Emissary is put into play.

Pale Rider wins the game with a massive burst of dmg, killing Howard Langston, and doing significant dmg, burn and slow to other models as well as healing mine. Toni is put in a tricky position more than 1" away from my beaters AND slow. Justice jumps away to place scheme markers and Guild goes to 4-1. We started playing round 4, but it was at this point entirely clear that the Guild would win the game. I was pretty happy with the Pale Rider saving the day after Judge had gambled his life away so recklessly.

Game 2: Lady Justice vs Misaki

My list:
Lady Justice, LLC - 2
Scales of Justice
The Judge, LLC - 12
Pale Rider - 11
Jury - 8
Brutal Effigy, Effigy of Fate - 6
Death Marshal - 5

Misaki list:
Shadow Emissary
Samurai w/stealth
Ten Thunders Archer
Low River monk

Plant Explosives on Standard Deployment »
Breakthrough (Both), Hold Up Their Forces, Take Prisoner, Assassinate (Guild), & Deliver A Message (TT)

So, the tactic here is more or less stupidly simple. The masters I had available were Perdita, Sonnia and Lady J. The two first can't play against the amount of stealth that TT brings to the table, so I picked Lady J, even though the scheme pool was not to her liking. Round 1 I lose my horseman to a BJ on mv test against Shadow Emissary and a RJ on a triple negative flip on his attack. This should only have been 8, but my opponent must have miscalculated. Either way, he had been in a bad spot. Misaki shuffles the RJ back into the deck and Samurai hits it on The Judge for 7 more dmg...

Judge is killed. DM kills Shang to prevent shenanigans from Misaki. Samurai is giving me a hard time.

I start scoring a few points for Plant Explosives and Assassinate, but it is really hard to stop his Torakage/Misaki from scoring, and he also manages to snag a point for Deliver a Message. I feel outgunned and outmaneuvered and there is not a whole lot I can do. I decide to send my Brutal Effigy forward, but he is dispatched by two lucky shots from the archer.

In the end, TT go to 7-4, when my DM manages to score a single point from Breakthrough. Lady J goes down on turn 4 and I have only the scales, the Jury and a single DM left. A devastating loss for the Guild.

This game was frustrating. I think I made some mistakes early when I moved up so aggressively on the left flank, but I thought I could bait out Misaki and force her to not bury due to aggressive Jury play. This didn't go so well when the PR went down first turn and the Judge following soon after. I also felt a little salty that TT has a model such as the Samurai that seems to just counter everything we have with his strong gun with +flips, stealth w/upgrade, armour+2 and juggernaut. I felt like I had nothing that could reliably deal with it, due to almost all our armour negotiation being ranged.

Game 3: Lady Justice vs Jack Daw

If last game two felt one-sided for me, I imagine my opponent felt much the same way about this game.

My list:
Lady Justice, LLC - 2
Scales of Justice
Pale Rider, LLC - 13
The Judge - 10
The Lone Marshal - 9
Brutal Effigy, Effigy of Fate - 6
Guild Steward - 6
Cache - 4

His list:
Jack Daw, Regen
Jakuuma Umbe

Corrupted Idols on Wedge Deployment 
Detonate Charges, Search The Ruins (both), Dig Their Graves, Power Ritual, & Vendetta (both. I had effigy on one of the Guilty)

I felt like I won deployment and could pretty much control all of the Idols when he was tucked away in the house like that. That could have prevented me from going in and killing all his models and simply controlling the game, but that was not to be. Guild Steward flipped a lucky mask on dispel magic and made J focused, as well as Judge with foul-mouthed motivation.

He uses his resources to kill my Effigy, while I use the Judge, The Lone Marshal and Lady Justice to just decimate him. Jakuuma goes down.

Soon he is left with only Jack and Montressor and at this point he simply concedes as there is really nothing left for him to do.

At the end of the day, I finished 2nd out of 6 players. I am more or less happy with it, but hope for a better showing against TT next time.

Norwegian Open

During the weekend 23-24. December, the Malifaux Norwegian Open tournament took place. We were 14 attendees, about half of which came from o...